Being sick as an adult sucks all the balls. When you were a kid, you kinda prayed to get sick. Being sick was like being on vacation. You got to stay home from school. Watch day time tv, which typically included The Price is Right, while eating a bowl of chicken noodle soup with crackers, and all the 7up you could stomach. Sure there were the bouts of diarrhea and throwing up. But some how it wasnt as bad as being an adult.
As an adult, you are typically missing work, which means that the ol pay check is gonna be thin, which means that the meager earnings that you do have are going to be stretched even further. And chances are, as an adult, you dont have someone waiting on you like your mother, or grandma.
So if you feel shitty, its all on you. There's only so many shows on Netflix. Most day time programing if you have cable, is just talk shows, or news. If you vomit or have an accident in bed, there are no fresh sheets already back on the bed after you get out of the shower. There's no bowl of hot soup waiting for you. If you get hungry, you have to drive yourself to the store to get the things, and come back home, make the things, and get back into bed. And for me, I get aggressively hungry and want all the foods. Especially sweets. I dont know what it is. But whenever I get sick I want sweets. Doesn't matter if its chocolate, ice cream, cereal with sugar on it, or cake, if it has a sugar content, I want to devour it.
And as an adult, you are typically running on 7 minutes of actual sleep. However, when you are home sick and want to sleep, its either not restful sleep or you are wide awake like some crack head. For this last week, I have been sick. I haven't done much outside of laying in bed, trying to sleep, or find things to watch online. I have forced myself to go outside a few times, and to even go to the store a couple of times. But just the act of getting dressed and then walking out to the car and then having to drive, and deal with people at the store is more draining than you have the energy to put out. Yet if you lay in bed another 3 minutes you are going to go crazy, so you are damn if you do and damned if you dont.
All that I do know is that whoever got me sick, I wish horrible things upon them, their family, and their loved ones. I hope their family tree rots and dies at the roots.
....that being said, I am sick and rather bitchy so IDK if I actually mean that or not. Just sick and tired of being sick and tired. Not that my life has anything grand going on in it at the moment. Just would like the option to get up and go forth should i feel the need or desire to do so.
Someone bring me soup and juice please...ill be your friend *crickets*
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