That aside, my health has been rocky to say the least. I've got some your of sinus thing going on, that's been with me for almost 2 weeks. I've had several nose bleeds, one of which lasted almost 2hrs. My blood pressure has been sky high 187/153 which I'm sure has someone to do with fighting of the sickness and the steroids in my inhaler. I've begrudgingly started using my blood pressure medication which I never wanted to start in the first place but I'm only taking half of a 25 mg losartan everyday.
And as soon as my blood pressure regulates itself I'm going to stop taking the medication all together because I don't like some of the side effects that I think that I'm experiencing due to it. One of the side effects that I've noticed is a dry cough, some aches and pains in my joints (which could be attributed to the cold weather and my arthritis) and this weird pain in my left nipple.
My blood sugars have been up and down and everywhere in between because my diabetic doctor changed my night time insulin through my pump. Today is the first day in a very long time that I decided that I was going to put on one of my CGMs just to kind of watch all of my numbers and stats and vitals. I have also been waiting for a new blood pressure cuff to come and that has yet to show up so I'm not even sure if the numbers that I'm getting from the blood pressure cuff that I'm currently using are accurate or not because there's no way for me to calibrate it.
I've also been doing some back end work on the book and have worked out a plan with a friend of mine who is going to go through and edit the book for me like the editor who I originally paid and ended up having to fire because they didn't do their job, and she will now be listed as the editor on the book instead of the original editor.
Still trying to figure out how to get the book out to the public and how to take payments and so on and so forth. Been doing a lot of web development also. I've worked on the book website and kind of streamline things took some stuff down put some new stuff up.
And just kind of counting down the days until I turn 44 and wondering what new bullfuckery will happen between now and then lol. I'm also trying to figure out what I want to do for my birthday this year.
Every year for the last few years since COVID ended I've made an annual trip to Everett Washington to go to the Funko Pop headquarters and get myself two or three new Funko pops and go to a couple of thrift stores over in that area and come home. This year I kind of want to do the same thing with the added stop of going to Seattle to the new voodoo donuts location that they opened up on the other side of Pike market.
My sister said something about wanting to go down to see our biological mom again in April, maybe this time I'll actually get to go with her she decided last second not to take me.
And I'm kind of going stir crazy because I haven't been out of my local area for a little over a month and a half almost two months now because my car still isn't working all that well. I haven't been to the movies since August maybe September and there's a couple of movies coming out that I would like to see that I doubt that I'm going to be able to go see.
So yeah I'm living the dream trying not to wake up lol That's pretty much everything in a nutshell. How many people still read my blog? Hell who watches my YouTube channel or listens to my podcast at this point? Comments in the comment section below 👇🏼
Anyways that's it for now tune in to the podcast at or
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