People tend to make resolutions every year with the hopes and faith that they'll see them through, and where I think it's great to try and set goals and manifest, when it comes down to it, most never keep them.
I've not made any for this year. I tend to live my life moment to moment.
About the only resolve I have for this year is to work on getting Carpe Diem Scroto out in front of more people, and taking some new online classes, as well as taking the class for my Certified Peer Specialist which looks like it'll be an additional 20hr class which I should be able to knock out within 2 weeks if it's self paced. If it's like the first CPC class then I have to attend daily for 2 weeks.
Knowing what I know now, the state testing doesn't scare me as much. It was still difficult but not as scary as i thought it was going to be. The testing panel was a bit intense and waiting the 12 days to get my results back was cruel and unnecessary.
To date I have used my counseling skill set to help friends and random strangers in my day to day interactions. I find the organic flow of conversation to be much nicer than feeling like you've been called to the principles office. We can meet at a location that the person chooses and feels safe with, and freely talk with no expectations.
The newest TikTok tend of "we listen and we don't judge" is how I approach things with the people I talk with. I try to leave them feeling better about themselves than when we started talking that day.
I'm also taking more of an approach to actually "check-in" with public workers like wait staff and cashier's because at the end of the day they're just like you and me and have whole complex lives we know nothing about, in our brief 5 minute interactions with one another. It really throws people off at times when I ask "how are you?" and they do the "sociably acceptable" canned ham response of ”oh I'm doing ok...” knowing full well that they infact are everywhere but "here" at work, and I ask again "no I asked how YOU are. I know you're ’doing good' but how are YOU?”
This level of direct approach disarm's many and you can see a visible shift in their whole body when they take a mental inventory of how they actually are. Then some open up about it and some don't. But I'll leave a note saying something like "regardless of what you are going through right now, you're doing the best you can with what you have available to you. Give yourself some credit. Yeah you might not be where you want to be right at the moment, but you've made it this far and have been far worse. This too shall pass. The fact that you show up, not only for work, but for yourself is amazing. And those who really love you see your hard work, even if you don't feel like anyone notices. Keep doing you.”
But all I'm so no major plans for this year.
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