You have the option of exporting the data into a CVS (comma seperated value) file for use in Excel, or print out detailed charts and information about your testing. When you start a new record you have the option of inputing the time of day, if you are testing while you are fasting, before breakfest, 1-3 hrs after breakfest, lunch, 1-3 hrs after lunch, dinner, 1-3 hrs after differ, and bedtime. You also have a little comment section in which you can input anything that you like. I usually put how I feel at the time of my testing, that way I have acurate informtion to give my doctor's, and if I see a pattren then I know when I begin to feel like that again, it may be a result of my blood sugars being to high or to low.
If you are a tech nerd like I am then you will have to have this peice of software. Now I did mention that its adware supported, but it does not install any software or spyware/adware. It only installs the program itself. When you lauch the program, it opens a seprate window that takes you to Amazon, where you can buy Diabetic products. Click here to download Soundtells Glucose Tracker.
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