Well friends, it has come to that time. As some of you who have been with me through all my up's and down's, you know that I have struggled with weight most of my life.
It's the entire reason that I even started Hello Cupcake Its Me. Hello Cupcake It's Me was originally about my struggles with being Diabetic, Over Eating, and my Mental Health. Over the years the blog and the focus of it has changed many times. Sometimes it was only focusing on my mental health, sometimes it was just a personal diary, and other times it just kinda sat there with no activity at all.
Well I always said that I would never be 500lbs/230kg and well 2020 finds me not only knocking on the door of being 500lbs, but coming in to sit and visit. At my last doctors appointment I was 497lbs. And a few weeks later, we had the Covid-19 lockdown happen. So along with that went any little physical activities that I had done. I noticed that I had begun eating even more before the lockdown. It was like I was daring myself to see how much I could eat, and how much weight I could gain.
But in the back of my mind I knew that I had to make a change. I know its only 1 week into my workout routine, and that these musings are nothing more than hopeful words at this time, but I am really honestly going to try and keep this up. I wont lie, I hurt like hell most days, due to having arthritis, poor joints, being overly obese, and I never fully recovered my lean body muscle from when I had Diabetic Ketoacidosis.
The workouts that I have been doing are Gentle Tai Chi and doing a walking at home video called Walking Down Your Blood Sugar's that my Diabetes Educator gave me years ago. Along with that I have been walking around the parking lot of the local park. They have a track that is 1 mile long, but currently I am not able to complete it as of yet. So I walk around the parking lot, which after 2 laps gives me about 1178 steps give or take.
I have downloaded a few apps to my phone to help me on this journey. I use to use Myfitnesspal, however, since Under Armour bought them out, they have changed and everything is now a "fee" or and advertisment which really sucked because I loved that program. So now im using Lose It for Android, Water Time, and Pedometer Step Counter. All 3 are great little programs that have paid versions too but have enough free features to make it work using. Lose It is my MyFitnessPal replacement. It has a barcode scanner so you can scan your food and get the info and get a basic idea of what you've eaten throughout the day. The paid feature allows you to track carbs and what have you, but for now just having a "point" system is all that I care about. Water Time tells me to drink water ever hour, which sounds easy but OMG its difficult with all the urination that comes along with drinking 85oz of water a day, I think the majority of my workout is getting up and running to the bathroom every 7 minutes.
But you know I am just doing the best that I can and I am praying to god that I can keep up this momentum. I really do need to make these changes. I dont want to go under the knife for gastric bypass but I really dont want to end up on My 600lb Life either. I know its going to be a long journey and a struggle. I didnt get fat over night, im not going to get healthy over night either.
FYI those links above are affiliate links to Amazon. So if you click and purchase I may get a little compensation for it.
Wish me luck guys im going to need it.
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