Trying to be positive and keep good vibes is tiring. You try day in and day out to be the type of person you want to see in the world, and time after time you have to resort back to being a jerk.
I know I have a temper, and that it gets the better of me at times. But I honestly do try to be a good person, and help others when I can. But there are just some days where its like, you know what "fuck you, fuck your family tree, I hope it dies at the roots."
The only thing I can do is my best. And I try to check myself and find myself grounding and centering more and more now days. Where I just have to take deep breaths and just laugh it off. But being bipolar having that clarity isnt always something that I have access to. But my reason for this post is just to remind everyone that we can not change the way others do things, but we can strive to be better and not add to the problem. Sometimes its easy, sometimes its hard. But just do the best you can.
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