This is going to be a long ranting post just to let you know now dear reader. At the time of writing this it is Friday December 6th at 12:38am. I am extremely restless tonight. I am still buzzing with the thoughts and emotions that have overcome me the last few days. I havent been depressed or anything, actually just the opposite. I have been in a fairly decent mood. Somewhat happy. But also very annoyed and easily to anger.
I know that a lot of my anger comes from the fact that I am constantly trying to help people and it seems like it is a waste of time because no matter what I seem to do, or say, or suggest, that people do the complete opposite. I know that we all have free will and that we all have our own lives to lead, and that there are some people who cant take being told what to do even if it would save them.
If you have been following along on the YouTube channel as of late, you will see that I have been struggling with my friend, and trying to be supportive and help her along her never ending quest to find "happiness".
Over the past 2 years, she has been trying to find a house or different housing because she doesn't like the place that she is in and finds faults with it at every turn of the corner basically. At first she moved into the place thinking that it was going to be some salvation or some kind of "grass is greener" type of situation. But it turned out (so to here her talk about it) to be false advertisement and that the grass was dead and only spray painted green.
Her latest endeavors into finding the Goldy Locks of all housing has lead to this almost delusional, detached from reality, blindness for a lack of better word. She was presented with a beautiful new place in a different city a good 25-30 miles from where we currently live. It checked all the boxes. Was clean, in a nice neighborhood, quite neighbors, down the street from a beautiful public park, only a block away from a grocery store, and 2 miles from Walmart. Everything was perfect. The owners of the place, accepted that she is a low income person. Accepted that she has section 8, and that she has a cat. They were even going to allow her to do payments on the move in costs of first, last, and security deposit.
Literally the minute she left the meeting with the owners, and sat in my car for not even a minute talking about how blessed she was feeling and how she loved the place etc, she gets the call from another property that she had been looking at and instantly started to second guess herself about everything and pretty much shifted all of her energies into this other place. Talking about how it is a gift from the universe and how its going to be perfect, etc. Well I honestly believe that it isn't going to be the Golden Goose that she thinks that it is. Already there are issues that I will get to in a moment.
She is constantly complaining about wanting to get out of the area that we live in. And how her car is old and how she hates having to drive some 45 minutes to the nearest Walmart, and things like that. She began back peddling once she found out about this other place that is closer to where I live. She began making every excuse in the book, and basically talked herself out of it and is now pouring herself into getting this other place. SO, this other place, the lady who is currently living there was supposed to be out on 11/30. Before my friend can move in, the lady has to leave, and the owners have to go through and clean the property.
Then the place has to be inspected by the Housing Authority. Then and only then, if they Housing Authority approves it, can she then move in. Well the lady who is living there didnt vacate on November 30th like she was originally scheduled to do. It wasn't until today, that my friend found out that the lady was still there, and that the owners knew about it. Now, for about 3 weeks (maybe more because honestly at this point it could be longer i've lost all track) she has been going around telling people that she is moving, and collecting boxes, packing, going out and getting a Post Office Box, changing her address, telling her current landlord she is moving and when she is going to be vacating her apartment, and trying to make plans to get people to come together and help her move. ALL WITHOUT EVEN HAVING ANYTHING CHISELED IN STONE!
She sends me a text message a few days ago asking if I could assist her in moving. She wanted to start taking boxes over to the new place and what have you on the 21st of December. And then planned on moving in fully on the 28th of December. I told her that I would attempt to be available to her, but that I was not sure what was going on in my life, and with that falling on a Saturday, just a few days before Christmas that I wasn't going to agree to anything. And then I also made mention that she is going to be hard pressed to get anyone to help on the 28th since that is not only after Christmas, but during the times that most people are out of town or have friends and family from out of town visiting.
That it is rude to even ask or assume that people would rally together to help during the one time of year that most families get together to visit with one another. She didnt seem to grasp this concept as she really has no family of her own since her husband passed several years ago. So I am looking at all of these things logically, and trying to get her to understand that it may now pan out the way that she wants it to, and even then, there are so many factors that she is turning a serious blind eye to. If the house isnt approved then I dont know what she is going to do.
But anyways, I have been dealing with this dullisonal rollercoaster for far to long. I honestly hope that it all works out for her, I really truly do. But I dont think that its going to take place when she thinks it is, if it even is.
So enough about that subject. Next on the list (lol I told you it was going to be a long post) is just the freaking holidays. I thought that I had everything clear, and in place to get the presents and things that I wanted for people and what have you and I dont. I am seriously stressing over getting my sister a gift. I have it all picked out, just dont know how to make the financing work. Typical story of my damn life. My niece, I have no idea what I am doing for her. She is so damn hard to shop for. Everything has to be vegan, fair traded, ethically sourced, and eco conscious etc. So she may get a reusable shopping bag or something lol. But seriously, I think i'm going to put together a tea set, with her favorite mint tea and maybe a nice tea cup.
I have a few things settled for my friends (or at least the main tribe) And I still need to figure out what I am going to do for my mom. Last year my aunt knitted me some fingerless gloves, but they are way to small for me, and I think that they are in a style and color scheme that she would like. So I am probably going to send those to her, and hopefully a new set of bathmats. She will tell me "dont get me anything" yet send me something. And even though I dont have much money (typically ever) I do like to try to do a little token of my affections and get people a little something. I think that everyone should have something to open. So for now its just a matter of finding the money for my sisters gift, and getting my mom taken care of.
And I am stressing because if I juggle my finances around, Ill be paying for one of the items for about 3 months. But I am sure whatever higher power there is will sort me out, or it wont.
In addition to all of this. My biological mother (AKA The Egg Donor or ED for short) told me that her boyfriend of almost 20yrs just passed away. And now she is stuck trying to figure out how to live without his income coming in and all this other stuff. I am not worried about her, because she is one of those people who can turn any situation around and make it work for them. She always typically lands on her feet. Its almost supernatural how things seem to just happen for her. Though I guess in that regard I inherited that from her too. But any normal son would want to rush to her and comfort her. But well we dont have the normal relationship that would allow for such a thing to take place. We function more like straind friends than mother son.
I consider my step mother my actual mother. In the 20 some odd years that she has been in my life she has done more for me, and stepped up to make me hers, than the whole 38 years Ive been my egg donors son. My mom is always there for me. Always supporting me. Giving me words of encouragement, and showing me unconditional love. ED, is manipulative, self serving, and not really "mother" material. But I dont fault her much.
I've learned a long time ago that hating her is not ever going to accomplish anything. And who knows. Maybe when she is gone I may feel differently about her and the relationship we never had. But for now I just keep her at arm's length. Sometimes that arm is holding a broom, attached to a pole, but still.
So yeah things are really just out of whack for me right now. But this too shall pass, albeit like a kidney stone, it will pass....right/
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