I got a new Contour Next One finally a glucose meter company who got it right. Before if you didn't have enough blood in your test strip you had to throw the test strip away and start with a brand new one.
And the bottle of test strips are like 50 bucks for the small bottle and like a hundred and fifty for the large bottle. So having to throw one away because you didn't have enough blood on it was really a pain in the ass and wallet.
With this new glucose monitor it detects if there's not enough blood makes a beeping sound and you can add more blood to it and then it read test as soon as it's at capacity. I am so freaking happy with this meter I had the Contour USB for like the last 5 or 6 years and it's really hard for me to move on to this new meter mainly out of sentimental reasons because it's the meter that my dad had and I had the same one so it was kind of like I don't know it's stupid LOL so yeah. This today super freaking happy and excited it's Bluetooth so I can sync it with my phone and it goes directly into all three of my diabetic apps that I need and use for my Dr so yeah I'm just really excited and happy.
And today while at my 3 month check up with my Diabetes Dr, he told me that there is a new Dexcom that just came out that is Bluetooth, and that it syncs with my phone, meter, and that I dont have to prick my finger anymore to constantly correct. So he is going to get me all set up with those asap. So now if I could get them to all sync and talk with my Amazon Echo Dot, that would be awesome.
I want to be able to ask Alexa what my blood sugar is and her connect to my devices and tell me, and have the ability to send a message to my family especially if im having a low.
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