So I am about to undergo a trip out to California. It's become my "to do" every 2 years. But as I get older, I find it harder and harder to leave my house for extended periods of time.
Short little day trips are one thing. But having to pack and be gone for more than a few days is really a bit much. I force myself to do it, because I know im going to have fun once out and about. But the jitters or the Resfeber (see def to the right) and generalized anxiety really fucks with me.
This time is a 3 part trip. 1st part is getting to my brothers house 2hrs away. 2nd part is a 12hr car ride to Northern California to my moms new house. 3rd is the trip home via plane. Which involves me having to go to San Francisco (which I am really excited about), and flying into Seattle. Then having to take either a taxi, or uber to the ferry, and then meeting up with someone on the other side and driving back home. So in total, my mom will be home way before I ever get home. My flight to So. Cal was 2.5 hours, so Im assuming my flight from Nor Cal is going to be about an hour give or take.
Just really bugging right now, but keeping my fingers crossed all turns out good.
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