The skin is the largest organ in the body and it reflects the overall health of a person. Physicians can diagnose a disease simply by looking at your skin. This is why the best way to achieve glowing skin is to take care of your whole body and not just the superficial aspect.
What looks like a simple skin problem can be an indicator for a serious health problem. Here are few signs to look for: Video:
Excess hair growth
To have a smooth skin means to be free of unwanted hair in the legs and arms. However, excess hair growth in unlikely places such as face, chest and stomach in women may indicate PCOS or Polycystic Ovary Syndrome.
This endocrine problem occurs commonly among childbearing women and the abnormal level of androgen hormone triggered the growth of unwanted hair and leads to infertility.
Dark Circles or Velvet Plaques on Neck
Medically known as acanthosis nigricans, this skin condition is common among obese individuals and can be found on the armpit or the neck. This is a sign of insulin imbalance which often associated with Diabetes Type 2.
Pale Appearance
If you look pale, your diet lacks fruits and vegetables or overweight. Increase your fruits and vegetables consumption to get the healthy skin glow. These healthy food choices contain carotenoid and it adds color to your skin. Carotenoid is responsible for the orange color in carrots and red color in tomatoes. Since this nutrient is fat soluble, overweight individuals may have to double their fruits and veggies consumption.
Wrinkles indicate aging but deep wrinkles may be a sign of brittle bones or osteoporosis. A recent study done among menopausal women showed a connection between wrinkles and bone density. Women with deeper wrinkles have higher risk of getting a fracture due to low bone density. Heavy smoking also contributes to wrinkling of the face and weakens the bones.
Allergies, cottage cheese skin, dry skin and pimples can be treated by taking anti-histamine drug, applying topical medication for pimples and avail ionithermie cellulitereduction treatment for your orange peel skin.
However, there are skin problems that shouldn't be taken lightly. Visit your doctor for any disturbing symptoms and do a physical exam yearly. By doing this, you allow early intervention for any life threatening diseases.
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