Posted by Arden Wallace
I lost my job a few months ago, so my husband and I are trying to cut down on our spending. We are not in such bad shape since my husband has always earned more than I have, so I feel lucky in certain ways. Most of my money went to extras like vacations and video games for the kids. I also paid for some of our home luxuries, like cable and internet. Now that we no longer have that income we have started looking for DIRECTV Deals and discount clothing so that we don’t have to change our lifestyle that much. We don’t want our kids to start feeling financial stress at such a young age, so we are trying hard not to impact them. My husband and I grew up poor, and we remember feeling like outcasts. We don’t want our kids to go through the same thing, so we are going to work hard to keep things normal for them. I am hoping to find a new job soon, so these will be worries of the past.
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