Well the doctor has found that I have Low Testosterone which may be some of the cause for my depression, though he is not totally confidant that is the only factor….
So we are going to undergo more testing. We are also going to be tweaking my medications to see if that will help any.
My Diabetes Educator was really happy with the results that I brought in today, and was happy to see that I was journaling again. I had also brought in My Fitness Pal reports and showed her the progress that im making there.
She was thrilled and wants me to attend a Diabetic Support group later this month, and share my knowledge about the different programs that are out there for free that can help others in the community. So I need to put together a resource flyer so that they have everything that I have.
It is strange that by helping others I help myself. When Im not working on others I am not working on myself…I wonder what this is all about, perhaps this is something new for me to explore with my councilor.
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