Yesterday after dinner I decided that I wanted to go for a walk. I have recently heard a lot of people talking about the Larry Scott Trail in Port Townsend. So I thought 'what the heck, let's check it out'.
Well the trail starts at Boat Haven in the Port of Port Townsend, where they build boats, and where the Black Pearl for the Movie Priates of the Caribbean was built.
[caption id="attachment_452" align="alignright" width="300" caption="The Port Townsend Paper Mill"]
So my niece and I began to walk the trail, with the thought of doing 4 miles.
What is really nice about this trail is that it has mile markers to let you know how far you've come. So we began our journey by the beach that over looks Indian/Marrowstone Island, and walked along the beach for a half of a mile.
We came up on The Port Townsend Paper Mill, which thankfully it wasn't stinky like it normally is.
Now I have seen the mill before but never really realized how massive it actually is. As my niece and I continued our trek, we came to a nice woodland area of the trail, that stretched on forever it seemed like. As we were walking along, we kept hearing loud bangs, and branches snapping. I stopped to look, and saw that we were walking along side of a Deer and her Fawn. We stopped and looked at the for a few minutes before resuming our journey. We eventually came up to SR20 where we found our 2 mile marker, when we turned to go back.
As we began the 2 mile walk back to the car, the sun began to set. The whole forest started to come alive with the sounds of all the little critters that were therein. As we rounded the corner where the mill is, our breaths were taken away by the brilliant colors of the setting sun. The sky was bright pinks, mild purples, and faint blues. The dying light of the sun reflected off of the windows of some of the beach front homes on Keystone Island, making the whole island look like sparkling gold.
If you are looking for a great place to hike or just have a nice leisurely walk, I highly recommend this trail. It is nice and flat, with slight inclines (or at least the area's that we walked) and just an all in all good time.
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