It isn’t because I have had nothing to say the reason there was a gap in my posting from 4/27 to 5/19 it was a silent tribute to my father. I wrote the long but heartfelt tribute to him and I just wanted it to linger for awhile before that post became buried in the digital archive.
So with that being said, its time for me to play catch up. As many of you know, I attend counseling sessions at least 2-3 times a month. Well due to mismanagement of funds, and other interoffice drama, my mental health provider *the only one for the county* has been really dropping the ball lately and causing massive problems and confusion. So I haven’t had a session for almost a month, until the other day. I had felt like I was back in the old days before I started seeking ‘professional’ help. I was dealing with things on my own again. Battling demons, and just reflecting inward, just trying to make sense of all the emotions that I have.
I am also a bit stressed out (but in the best way possible) due to the fact that I have family coming to visit me in June. My house is in a constant resting state of chaos, and clutter. It isnt bad enough to have a TV show but isnt neatly put together for comfortable entertaining either. And it isnt like I don’t have the room or the want for this visit, but it’s the lack of energy to put it all together and make it nice and neat for them that I don’t have. So im hoping that by some divine will that I am able to get things put in order well enough to have them feel comfortable enough to visit and want to stay, so they wont have to get a motel room.
Along with that I have been immersing myself in arts and crafts again, and trying to spark up a new business making E-Cigarette Liquid (aka E-Juice) which is not as hard as one might think to make, but what is hard is the waiting for supplies to be shipped. I long for the time where you push buy on a webpage and with in minutes its at your door.
But that is neither here nor there right now. I have made a few liquids and have passed them on to a few friends to do a test market of sorts. So for right now I am still in the ‘developing’ phase of my new enterprise.
So for now this is what has been going on in my world in a nutshell with a few things omitted for time and readability.
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