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Diabetic Resources – Rx Program, Meters, ect

I attended a Diabetic Symposium and networked with some great sources, provided on this page are some of the brochures and pamphlets that where given to me to pass on to my readers to help them better manage their Diabetes. You will need Adobe Reader in order to view these files, this is  a free program that you can download here. Adobe is a trusted company and this download is provided safely and virus free.  get_adobe_reader[1]

Your guide to better office visits | a diabetes care planner and blood sugar diary

Mini Pharmacy - Home Delivery Service (Their website was cut off during my scanning the document it is www.minipharmacy.com and their email is info@minipharmacy.com)

FreeStyle Promise – A Co-Pay program that offers to pay up to $50.00 of a co-payment for patients who struggle with getting their supplies.


Seven Habits of Highly Effective People with Diabetes – A Newly Diagnosed Diabetics Manuel


DiabeticAlertDog.com information about Diabetic Alert Dog’s

Mission-Dad.com is a great site filled with information about how to obtain a D.A.D and reputable kennels.

Jefferson County Support Programs

Diabetes Education Program at Jefferson General Hospital
Contact: Amber Benner
360-385-2200 ext. 1240
Every fourth Tuesday from 12-1pm.
834 Sheridan Ave.
Port Townsend, WA 98368


King County Support Programs

Buse Diabetes Education Program Group Class
Class offered by Virginia Mason. Call for more information.
Contact: Becky Callan
1100 Ninth Avenue
Seattle, WA 98101
Visit the website

Mt. Si Stars
Contact: Kelly Thompson
Group meets monthly in Snoqualmie. Contact for times and locations.

Sammamish Plateau Young Kids with Diabetes
Contact: Julie Spencer

425-898-0602 or 425-466-5488 (cell)
For young kids with diabetes and their families in Sammamish, Issaquah, Redmond, and surrounding areas. We periodically get together for the kids to play and do activities, for parent meetings, and diabetes-related events. Please join us!

SE King County Support Group for Families & Kids with Diabetes
Contact: Carol Stiefer

Third Saturday of each month. Contact for times and locations.


Kitsap County Support Programs

Poulsbo Support Group for Kids & Adults
Contact: Heather Denis, RD, CDE
Please e-mail to confirm time and date
Meetings are held at Poulsbo Elementary School, 4th Tuesday of the month, 6:30 pm
18531 Noll Rd. NE, Poulsbo


Pierce County Support Programs

Madigan Army Medical Center
Diabetes Care Center

Contact: Marlene Van Orden
253-968-4671 Meetings are held 4th Monday of each month from 1:00-3:00pm.
9040 A Reid St.
Tacoma, WA 98431-1100

South Puget Sound Families with Diabetes
Contact: Laurna Crosson (parent)
360-866-6901 Call for location and times.

Tacoma Support Group
Contact: Pam Amann
(253) 761-2757 Meetings take place the third Thursday of every month from 6:30 - 8 pm at University Place Presbyterian Church. Children are welcome and free childcare is available; please RSVP in advance.


Snohomish County Support Programs

  • The Northend Group
    North Sound area group for families with children affected by type one diabetes.
    Contact: Shanai Cole (parent)
    425-347-0844 Contact for location and time.


Thurston County Support Programs

Olympia Support Group Meetings
Contact Jane Wehrli
360-866-0993  or jwehrli@comcast.net for upcoming meeting dates and locations.
Kids are welcome.

Pump Club (for insulin pump users)
Boldt Diabetes Center
Providence St. Peter Hospital

Contact: Jan Wolfrom
(360) 493-7567
413 Lilly Road NE
Olympia, WA 98506-5166
Visit the website


Eastern Washington Support Programs

CHER (Community Health Education Resources) Inland Northwest Health Services
Contact: 509-473-6960
601 W. 1st Ave., Ste. 200
Spokane, WA 99201
Visit the website

Financial Resources

Financial Assistance
     Prescription Drug Assistance
     Financial Help for People with Diabetes
     Long Term Care Assistance
Prescription Drug Assistance
Financial Help for People with Diabetes
State Children's Health Insurance Program
     Health Care Services
Veterans Affairsr>     Hospital Care
Organ Transplants
     Nerve Damage
     Prosthetic Care
     Technological Assistance
     Local Resources

U.S. Federal Government Assistance For Diabetics



The Medicaid program is a state-run, federally mandated, health fund that is available to individuals and families with low incomes who meet certain qualifications. These qualifications vary by state, but are generally restricted to those who are between 18-64, live well below the national poverty level, have children in the home or at least one individual who is totally disabled. These programs usually pay for Doctor’s visits (only Doctors who accept MediCaid as a form of payment), emergency services, hospital services and a limited number of prescription medications. For example, older, generic pills to treat diabetes may be covered by these programs, but more modern (and expensive) medications that your Doctor may want to prescribe to treat diabetes may not be covered. Don’t expect Medicaid program to cover any type of elective surgeries, insulin pumps, most non-generic prescription medications or other products/services that private health insurance would normally cover. Contact your state or county Department of Social Services for information on requirements to qualify for these programs, as well as what benefits are available.



Medicare is a Government program that provides healthcare services for U.S. citizens who are age 65 and older. Those who are disabled, or who have become disabled, can also apply for Medicare. Limited coverage is available for those of all ages who suffer from kidney failure caused by diabetes. To find out if you are eligible, contact your local Social Security office or you may call the Medicare Hotline phone number listed below.

Medicare provides coverage for glucose test monitors, testing strips and lancets as well as nutritional therapy services for those with diabetes or kidney disease when referred by a physician. Diabetes training, glaucoma screening, therapeutic shoes, flu and pneumonia shots are also available under Medicare.

To obtain more information on Medicare benefits, call the National Diabetes Education Program at (800) 438–5383 and request copies of The Power to Control Diabetes Is in Your Hands and Expanded Medicare Coverage of Diabetes Services, or you may read them via the Internet at http://www.ndep.nih.gov . A copy of the booklet Medicare Coverage of Diabetes Supplies & Services may be obtained from:

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
7500 Security Boulevard
Baltimore, MD 21244–1850
Phone: 1–800–MEDICARE (633–4227)
Internet: http://www.medicare.gov

Federally Funded Hospital Care

If you do not have medical insurance and are in need of hospital care, help may be available through the U.S. Government via a little-known federal health care grant program. The United States Congress passed the Hospital Survey and Construction Act, sometimes called the Hill-Burton Act (named after the two senators who originally sponsored the bill) in 1946. The program originally set out to provide hospitals with grants for modernization. Today, it provides free and discounted medical services to those with low incomes. Information on how to get free health care under the Hill-Burton Act is available on the website of The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Free Diabetes Test Supplies by Mail

There are quite a number of companies that provide free diabetic testing supplies by mail. They are generally referred to as “Medicare Participating Providers”. The catch? You must quality for Medicare or have private health insurance without deductibles in order to get diabetes testing supplies for free. For more info on how this is possible, see our Frequently Asked Questions page at Straight Talk on Diabetes and Diabetic Testing Supplies. Below is a list of links to mail order companies that provide free diabetic testing supplies by mail:

Alliance Health Care
Liberty Medical

Free Samples of Medications

Besides free samples of diabetes medications that are available from your physician, drug companies occasionally make some free samples available directly to consumers. One good source of these occasional offers is QualityHealth.Com. Their free membership includes an excellent newsletter about diabetes topics as well as notifications of drug recalls and occasional free samples that become available. Regardless of where you get free samples of prescription drugs for diabetes from, they will almost always be brand name or non-generic, since they are made available by drug companies wishing to promote their own products. Rarely, are free samples of generic drugs made available through physicians or directly to consumers.

State Children’s Health Insurance Program

The United States Department of Health and Human Services founded the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (or SCHIP) to help minor children who do not have health insurance. It provides health coverage for children whose families earn too much income to qualify for Medicaid but too little to afford private health insurance. Consumers may obtain free information about the program by calling (877) 543–7669 or by visiting http://www.insurekidsnow.gov.

Private Health Insurance

Due to the fact that private health insurance is meant to cover unexpected future illnesses, pre-existing diabetes presents a problem. Diabetes is considered a pre-existing condition. So, finding (affordable) coverage can be difficult. Many private insurance carriers have specific waiting periods during which they will not cover diabetes related expenses for new customers. They will usually cover other medical expenses during this time though.

Recent federal and state laws may help, however. An increasing number of states now require insurance companies to cover diabetes education and supplies. The 1996 Health Insurance Portability Act limits insurance companies from denying people coverage due to a pre-existing condition. For more information on these laws, contact your state insurance department or agency. They can also help you find insurance companies that offers individual private coverage.

Private Health Insurance – After Leaving a Job

If you lose your health coverage when you leave your job, you may be able to buy group coverage for up to 18 months under a Federal law called the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act or COBRA. Buying group coverage is cheaper than going out alone to buy individual coverage. If you have a disability, you can extend COBRA coverage for up to 29 months. COBRA may also cover young people who were insured under a parent’s policy but have reached the age limit and are trying to obtain their own insurance.

For more information, call the Department of Labor at 1–866–487–2365 or see http:
on the Internet.

If you don’t qualify for coverage or if your COBRA coverage has expired, you can still seek other options:

* Some states require employers to offer conversion policies, in which you stay with your insurance company but buy individual coverage.

* Some professional or alumni organizations offer group coverage for members.

* Your state may be one of 29 with a high-risk pool for people unable to get coverage.

* Some insurance companies also offer stopgap policies designed for people who are between jobs.

Contact your state insurance regulatory office for more information on these and other options. Information on consumer health plans is also available at the U.S. Department of Labor’s website at http://www.dol.gov/dol/topic/health-plans/consumerinfhealth.htm.

Dialysis and Transplantation

Kidney failure is a complication of diabetes. In 1972, Congress passed legislation making people of any age with permanent kidney failure eligible for Medicare. To qualify for Medicare on the basis of kidney failure, you must need regular dialysis or have had a kidney transplant, and you must have worked under Social Security, the Railroad Retirement Board, or as a Government employee (or be the child or spouse of someone who has), or you must already be receiving Social Security or Railroad Retirement benefits. Every American needing dialysis for chronic kidney failure is eligible for dialysis assistance. For more information, call the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services at 1–800–MEDICARE (633–4227) to request the booklet Medicare Coverage of Kidney Dialysis and Kidney Transplant Services. This booklet is also available on the Internet at http://www.medicare.gov under “Publications.”

For information on financing an organ transplant, contact the following organization:

United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS)
P.O. Box 2484
Richmond, VA 23218
Phone: 1–888–894–6361
Internet: http://www.unos.org

Managed Care

Most HMOs are able to manage costs by limiting choices of physicians to those on their network, restricting access to medical specialists, minimizing allowed hospital stays, and stressing preventive care. On most plans (especially Medicare HMOs) you may select your own primary care provider who is responsible for directing your care and sending you to medical specialists when they feel it necessary. Some HMO plans also cover additional benefits, such as prescription drugs.

For more info on HMOs, in particular the quality of care offered to enrollees, contact the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) at (888) 275–7585 or see http://www.ncqa.org on the World Wide Web.

Medicare also has a number of publications to help you learn more about HMOs. Visit http://www.medicare.gov on the Internet or call 1–800–MEDICARE for additional information.

Health Care Services

The Bureau of Primary Health Care, a service of the Health Resources and Services Administration, offers health care for people regardless of their insurance status or ability to pay. To find local health centers, call 1–800–400–2742 and ask for a directory, or visit the bureau’s website at http://www.bphc.hrsa.gov on the Internet.

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) runs hospitals and clinics that serve veterans who have service-related health problems or who simply need financial aid. If you’re a veteran and would like to find out more about VA health care, call 1–800–827–1000 or visit their website at http://www.va.gov.

Many local governments have public health departments that can help people who need medical care. Your local county or city government’s health and human services office can provide further information.

Prescription Drugs and Medical Supplies

If you can’t pay for your medicines and supplies without help, you should tell your health care provider. Your doctor may be able to direct you to local programs or even provide free samples.

You or your doctor can order a free filament to check feet for nerve damage. The filament (with instructions for use) is available by calling the Bureau of Primary Health Care’s (BPHC’s) Lower Extremity Amputation Prevention Program (LEAP) at 1–888–ASK–HRSA (275–4772) or by accessing http://www.hrsa.gov/leap/default.htm on the Internet.

The Medicare program offers a searchable database of prescription drug assistance programs at http://www.medicare.gov/Choices/Overview.asp. This website gives information on public and private programs offering discounted or free medication. You can also learn about Medicare health plans with prescription coverage.

In addition, drug companies that sell insulin or diabetes medications usually have patient assistance programs. Such programs are available only through a physician. The Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America and its member companies sponsor an interactive website with information on drug assistance programs at http://www.pparx.org.

Also, since programs targeted at the homeless sometimes provide aid, try contacting a local shelter for more information on how to obtain free medications and medical supplies. Check your phone book under Human Service Organizations or Social Service Organizations for the number of the nearest shelter.

Classroom Services

Public agencies that provide assistance to children with diabetes and other disabilities and to their families are listed on the State Resource Sheets published by the National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities (NICHCY). These free resource sheets, which list the names and addresses of agencies in your state, are available by contacting:

P.O. Box 1492
Washington, DC 20013
Phone: 1–800–695–0285
Fax: 202–884–8441
Internet: http://www.nichcy.org

College-age students who have diabetes-related disabilities may be faced not only with the costs of tuition, but also with additional expenses generally not incurred by other students. These costs may include special equipment and disability-related medical expenses not covered by insurance. Some special equipment and support services may be available at the institution, through community organizations, through the state vocational rehabilitation agency, or through specific disability organizations. The names and addresses of these and other agencies are also listed in the State Resource Sheets.

You can apply for financial aid at the financial aid office of the institution you plan to attend. A free copy of the booklet Funding Your Education is available from the U.S. Department of Education by writing to

Federal Student Aid Programs
P.O. Box 84
Washington, DC 20044–0084
Phone: 1–800–433–3243
Internet: http://studentaid.ed.gov/students/publications/FYE/index.html

The HEATH Resource Center (National Clearinghouse on Postsecondary Education for Individuals with Disabilities) offers information on sources of financial aid and the education of students with a disability. Contact:

The George Washington University
HEATH Resource Center
2121 K Street NW., Suite 220
Washington, DC 20037
Phone: 1–800–544–3284
Fax: 202–973–0908
Email: askheath@gwu.edu
Internet: http://www.heath.gwu.edu

Information on grants that are available to individuals for financing higher education is available at the following nonprofit
organization’s library:

The Foundation Center
79 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10003
Phone: 212–620–4230
Fax: 212–691–1828
Internet: http://www.fdncenter.org

Technological Assistance

Assistive technology, which can help people with disabilities function more effectively at home, at work, and in the community, can include computers, adaptive equipment, wheelchairs, bathroom modifications, and medical or corrective services. The following organizations provide information, awareness, and training in the use of technology to aid people with disabilities:

Alliance for Technology Access (ATA)
1304 Southpoint Boulevard, Suite 240
Petaluma, CA 94954
Phone: 707–778–3011
Email: ATAinfo@ATAccess.org
Internet: http://www.ataccess.org

UCP (a.k.a. United Cerebral Palsy)
1660 L Street NW., Suite 700
Washington, DC 20036
Phone: 1–800–872–5827
or 202–776–0406
Fax: 202–776–0414
Email: webmaster@ucp.org
Internet: http://www.ucp.org/ucp_channelsub.cfm/1/14/86

Prosthetic Care

If you’ve had an amputation, paying for your rehabilitation expenses may be a concern. The following organizations provide financial assistance or information about locating financial resources for people who need prosthetic care:

Amputee Coalition of America
900 East Hill Avenue, Suite 285
Knoxville, TN 37915–2568
Phone: 1–888–AMP–KNOW (267–5669)
Internet: http://www.amputee-coalition.org

Easter Seals
230 West Monroe Street, Suite 1800
Chicago, IL 60606
Phone: 1–800–221–6827
Fax: 312–726–1494
Internet: http://www.easterseals.com

Prosthetics for Diabetics Foundation
323 Reed Way
Monroe, GA 30655
Phone: 770–267–0019
Fax: 770–395–7487
Internet: http:// www.expage.com/page/pfdfoundation

WIC-USDA-freeFood and Nutrition

Food, nutrition education, and access to health care services are also available through the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s WIC (Women, Infants, and Children) program. Pregnant women who meet residential, financial need, and nutrition risk criteria are eligible for assistance. Gestational diabetes is considered a medically based nutrition risk and would qualify a woman for assistance through the WIC program if she meets the financial need requirements and has lived in a particular state the required amount of time. The WIC website provides a page of contact information for each state and Indian tribe, or you can contact the national headquarters at the following address:

WIC at FNS Headquarters:
Supplemental Food Programs Division
Food and Nutrition Service—USDA
3101 Park Center Drive
Alexandria, VA 22302
Phone: 703–305–2746
Internet: http://www.fns.usda.gov/wic

Local Resources for Diabetics

For help in financing some of the many expenses related to diabetes, you may also want to seek out available local resources, such as the following charitable groups:

* Lions Clubs International provides vision care assistance

* Rotary Clubs provides humanitarian and educational assistance

* Elks Clubs provides charitable activities that benefit youth and veterans

* Shriners offers free treatment for children at Shriners hospitals throughout the United States

* Kiwanis Clubs conducts fund raising events and helps projects to help the community, especially children

* Religious Organizations. Some of these can be found using the below links.

Catholic Charities USA – Serves both Catholics and non-Catholics

Islamic-American Zakat Foundation – Provides financial and other assistance to Muslims and non-Muslims.

Worldwide Christian Relief Services – A list Christian charities that help provide medical services for the poor in many countries.

Nonprofits and charities sometimes provide financial assistance or can assist with fund-raising. Some local governments may also have trusts set up to help diabetic patients in need. More information is usually available at your local library or your local city or at the health and human services division of your local government.

National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse

National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse

1 Information Way
Bethesda, MD 20892–3560
Phone: 1–800–860–8747
TTY: 1–866–569–1162
Fax: 703–738–4929
Email: ndic@info.niddk.nih.gov
Internet: http://www.diabetes.niddk.nih.gov

The National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse (NDIC) is a service of the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK). The NIDDK is part of the National Institutes of Health of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Established in 1978, the Clearinghouse provides information about diabetes to people with diabetes and to their families, health care professionals, and the public. The NDIC answers inquiries, develops and distributes publications, and works closely with professional and patient organizations and Government agencies to coordinate resources about diabetes.

Free Health Care Grants For Diabetics

United Healthcare Children’s Foundation


Grants provided under this program provide financial relief for families who have children with medical needs not covered or not fully covered by their commercial health benefit plan. This includes treatment for diabetes and its complications. The Foundation aims to fill the gap between what medical services/items a child needs and what commercial health benefit plans will pay for. Applicants must be 16 years old or younger and live in the United States. The applicant must be covered by a commercial health benefit plan and limits for the requested service are either exceeded, or no coverage is available and/or the co-payments are a serious financial burden on the family. The amount awarded to an individual within a 12-month period is limited to either $5,000 or 85% of the fund balance, whichever amount is less. Awards to any one individual are limited to a lifetime maximum of $7,500. For more information contact:

UnitedHealthcare Children’s Foundation
Minneapolis, MN 55440-0041
(952) 992-4459 phone
Website: http://www.uhccf.org

Partnership for Prescription Assistance (PPA)

You have likely seen this organization’s advertisements on television featuring Montel Williams or the “PPA Express” bus tour across America. The PPA is, according to its website, a group funded by America’s pharmaceutical research companies. It maintains a database of more than 475 patient assistance programs for lo
w-income and uninsured patients, about half of which are run by pharmaceutical companies. The program helps match patients with programs they are eligible for. PPA does not provide any actual prescription drug assistance directly. It simply maintains a public database that can be searched through via their website or by calling their toll-free telephone number.

Partnership for Prescription Assistance (PPA)
Phone: 1-888-4PPA-NOW (1-888-477-2669)
Website: http://www.pparx.org

Low Income Assistance from Drug Companies
Patient Assistance Programs

free diabetes supplies

Eli Lilly and Company – Lilly Cares Program

Lilly Cares is a patient assistance program administered by Lilly Cares Foundation, Inc., a private operating foundation. Lilly Cares Foundation was created by and receives its financial and product support from Eli Lilly and Company. Lilly Cares assists uninsured patients with incomes less than 200 percent of the federal poverty level.

Most Lilly products are available through the program. Eligibility is based on a patient’s inability to pay and the lack of third-party drug payment assistance, such as insurance, Medicaid, and government, community, or private payment assistance programs.

The company provides free and low-cost diabetes medications to both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetics, including the drugs Glucagon and Humalog. Free information is available by phone or through the company’s website at the address below.
Website: http://www.lillycares.com

Free Diabetes Test Strips

free blood glucose test strips

Roche Accu-Chek Patient Assistance Program

Roche Diagnostics, which manufacturers the ACCU-CHEK line of blood glucose monitors, offers a patient assistance program for low-income diabetics that are without insurance coverage. The program provides free blood glucose test strips from the ACCU-CHEK line of blood glucose monitors. As with most other patient assistance programs, the offer is only available in the United States, requires a significant amount of paperwork and proof of low income may be required.

Roche Diagnostics Patient Assistance Program
PO Box 18740, Louisville, KY 40261
Phone 1-866-441-4090
Website: https://www.accu-chek.com
Phone: 1-800-545-6962

Additional Patient Assistance Programs

Novo Nordisk Patient Assistance For Diabetes

Pharmacies With Free Diabetes Medication Programs

A number of regional chain pharmacies, mostly in the Eastern portion of the United States, have begun offering free refills of several generic diabetes medications. These are usually limited to oral medications that have been generic for quite some time and are relatively inexpensive at large chain pharmacies such as Walmart, Target and Costco. For the latest list of pharmacies offering these free refill programs, read our article Free Diabetes Drugs Now Available at Some Pharmacies.

If your only choice is to shop locally, and you can’t find one with free prescription refills, we have found that the national chains with the most consistent low prices on prescription medications are Walmart and Costco (sometimes Target, as well). Many other pharmacies offer discount plans (some free, some not free), but their prices aren’t consistently as low, even with the discount. When we did our own pricing, pharmacies such as Rite-Aid, CVS and Walgreen’s tended to be higher in price than Walmart or Costco. Walgreen’s currently charges $20 a year for their “discount card”, yet were still more expensive than than prices at the local Costco in our experience. It pays to shop around.

Free Clinical Trials

For Americans who do not meet the rigid income (or lack thereof) requirements or other criteria demanded by most PPA programs, there is still hope for getting free diabetes test supplies and medical care. There are numerous clinical trials being conducted on new diabetes treatments at any given time. Most of these trials are paid for by pharmaceutical manufacturers and conducted at hospitals and universities throughout the country. Generally speaking, the closer you are to a major metropolitan area, the more likely the chance of your finding a free clinical trial in your area.

What, exactly, is a clinical trial and what free benefits does it provide? This answer varies widely, depending upon the particular study. Most clinical trials require you to go through an intensive interview and screening process, followed by regular lab testing, exams and interviews over periods of time ranging from a few months to many, many years. You will likely be required to follow a prescribed diet and exercise program as a part of the study. Some clinical trials simply test the effects of existing drugs or substances upon your existing diabetes treatment. Other trials are to test new diabetes treatments and medications. These are generally much more intensive (and experimental) in the amount of testing required, but they also usually provide you with the most support, frequent diabetes tests and lab work you would normally have to pay for, free medication as well as free blood glucose monitors and diabetes test strips.

Clinical trials are generally divided into “phases”. The lower the number of the phase, the earlier on the trial is in its research. A study in Phase I will likely be highly experimental. Studies in Phase III would most likely be far enough along that most “bugs” will be worked out and that the drugs you will be taking have been proven to have a safe track record. Considering the fact that many FDA approved drugs later are found to cause serious health complications, clinical trials at Stage III are probably little more likely to have negative side-effects than prescription drugs that are already available on the market.

Depending upon the trial, and how badly they need volunteers, drug companies may even be willing to pay your travel expenses, in addition to the above benefits. Even more valuable is the fact that you will likely receive more thorough medical care than you could ever hope to afford anywhere, with even the best of insurance plans. After all, it is not in the drug manufacturers best interest for you to die in the middle of one of their clinical trials. Tens of millions of dollars in potential profits could be at stake, so you should receive an incredibly high level of medical care while participating in one of these programs, most likely under the direct observation of some of the world’s leading scientists.

For the most current list of clinical trial programs we know of that are active, see our article Diabetics: Get Free Health Care, Drugs With Clinical Trials. To find a list of free clinical trials available in your area, we also highly recommend using the search feature of ClinicalTrials.Gov, which is run by the U.S. National Institutes of Health. Although the database is run by the U.S. government, the website currently lists clinical trials being held in over 170 countries.

Free Diabetic Test Supplies: Other Sources

For diabetics who are having a difficult time paying for their test supplies, you may be able to obtain help through a non-profit group called ACT1 Diabetes Group: Adults Coping With Type 1 Diabetes. This organization provides free diabetic test supplies to low income diabetics on an as-needed basis. It is strictly a volunteer group, and receives no government funding. It is not a long-term solution, but could be a lifesaver if you are temporarily unable to afford test strips or other diabetes testing supplies.

Discounted Diabetes Testing Supplies

There’s no way around it. Diabetic testing supplies are expensive, especially if you do not have medical insurance that covers the cost. There are a number of online and mail-order companies that carry diabetes test supplies such as blood glucose monitors, test strips, lancets and other equipment for much cheaper than you would normally be able to buy them for at your local pharmacy. Some of these companies can even fill prescriptions for diabetes medications by mail order as well. Although shipping charges can sometimes be expensive, many of these discounters offer free shipping with minimum orders of $100, $50 or even $25. Orders may be exempt from state sales tax as well, if the supplier is located in another state.

CAUTION! Although the vast majority of mail order diabetes testing supply companies are legitimate, there are always some “bad apples” in the bunch. When buying diabetic testing supplies on the Internet, be especially wary of “limited-time” offers at discounts that seem too good to be true. Some liquidators will offer items such as test strips that have passed their expiration date. Unlike with many medications, most diabetic test strips will not work AT ALL if they are used after the expiration date. Be sure that the company you are dealing with has a fair return policy, just in case the product you receive is defective in any way. You should not have to pay a “restocking fee” for defective test supplies.

Below are some of the internet-based, mail order providers of discounted diabetes testing supplies that we recommend.

American Diabetes Wholesale has some of the lowest prices available on diabetes test supplies, insulin pump supplies, syringes, nutritional supplements, sugar-free foods and more. They have especially good deals on diabetic testing strips, with lower prices per strip than anywhere else we have seen. If you don’t have insurance and can’t qualify for free diabetic test supplies under any of the above programs, this is probably the least expensive route to go.

offers a huge array of non-prescription diabetes testing supplies, both directly and using third-party merchants. Free shipping is available on all orders over $25, if sold directly by amazon.com. Third-parties selling via amazon.com have their own shipping prices and policies. For approximately $70 per year, Amazon Prime members get free two-day shipping on ALL orders they place directly with amazon.com, with no minimums. Next day delivery is also available to amazon.com Prime members for an additional $3.99 per order.

The U.K.’s largest Mail-Order pharmacy. Even with overseas shipping charges, you might end-up paying less for your prescriptions with this company that you would by shopping around locally. Worth checking out.

Canadian Pharmacies

CANADA PHARMACY is the largest Canadian mail order pharmacy on the internet, and offers sizable discounts on a number of prescription medications for diabetics. You will need a prior, valid prescription from a U.S. physician on file with them before they will ship your products. The discounts can be quite substantial, as compared to U.S. pharmacies on many well-known, brand-name medications. Generic medications are typically cheaper to buy in the United States, for the most part though.

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atherosclerotic lesions Atlanta alcohol rehab Atlanta drug abuse rehab centers Atlanta Drug Rehab Atlanta Drug Rehab Center attack Avengers back on track back to school backup bad habbits baking banana george Banana Power bariatric surgery Barrett's Esophagus Baton Rouge battle depression bayer bayer breeze2 Bayer Contour USB bb gun BBB BE beating depression beauty become motivated before i die behealthy24.com Being sick totally sucks beta cells big blue test big foot Biomedtrics biosensor bipolar Bipolar bipolar disorder Birdman Birdman or The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance birth birth defects birthday bladder cancer blog blogging blood glucose blood glucose levels blood pressure blood sample blood sugar blood sugar level blood sugar levels blood sugar monitor blood sugars blue shield Bluetooth bmi Body By Vi 90 Day Challenge body mass index bogo bogo. buy one get one free books bottom belly bracelet Brain Discovery Could Help Schizophrenics Breaking News breast breast feed breast 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diabetic shock diabetic software diabetic supplies diabetic. ebook diamonds diet digital camera digital logbook direct Direct Association Between Type 2 Diabetes And Obesity Found direct tv directionless dirve disability disabled disease disorders Disrupting Our Internal Clocks May Lead To A Complete Absence Of 24-Hour Bodily Rhythms And An Immediate Gain In Body Weight Ditto divorce lawyer diy mouse trap dlucose doctors donation doomsday Doughnuts down range Drexel University drinking drive drop out drug drug abuse drugs dry skin DSHS dvd e-cig e-cigarettes e-juice e-reader e-zines eastern medicine eating disorders ecigarettes Economics education Edward Norton effective treatments egg whites egg yolks electri vehicle electrical stimulation Electronic emergency emergency kit Emma Stone emotional employment empty nest EMR endocrine engraved medical id ereader ev everyone else eviction excess weight exercise exercise regularly exercise routines exterminators eye eye care eye disease eye 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hiv hiv1 hiv2 hobbytron.com holiday holiday's home security alarms home testing Homeless Homeless Shelter Homer Simpson honda hospitalization Household Income Affects Chronic Disease Control In Kids Humalog Human IPSC Humor Humulin R U-500 hunger hungry hurt on the job hyperglycima hyperglycimic hypertension hypoglycemia hypoglycemic hypoglycemic episode iBGStar Blood Glucose Monitoring System Ice Cream Image improvement including mufa foods infection infested infographic information injury inspriation insulated bag Insulin insulin injections insulin patch insulin pump insulin shot record insurance claims internal medicine Interspecies Transplant investments ios ios 5 iphone iphone 4 its iTunes Iwerkz Foldable Bluetooth Keyboard Review Jenna Mables jewelry joann joann fabric and craft store joint pain Journal of Alzheimer's Disease juwait Keek kenguru ketoacidosis occurs kicking the habbit kid kidcare kids Killings kindle kindle fire kitchen counter kombucha Labor and Industry Lamp;I lantus Late-Life Depression lawyer learning issues legal help Lexapro LG Rumor libido life lifestyle changes light box lincoln Link Between Creativity and Mental Illness Confirmed in Large-Scale Swedish Study Lipohypertrophy living loan Lone Star College Shooting loneliness lose weight losing weight loss plan lost low blood sugar low glucose levels Low income cell phone low income glasses low t low testosterone lower glucose lowering lowering glucose levels Luminaze lung health lyrics lyrics of depression Mainframe Support makeup managing diabetes Manic marijuana market mary lambert Master Card maya angelou Maya Angelou dead at 86 me meal plan meal prepping meals require medflash media / television medicaid Medical medical condition medical help Medical Review Medical Studies medical studies. medicare medicare part d medication medicines meditation melody road memory loss men's health Mental Health mental health issues Menu menu options merry christmas metabolic syndrome metabolism metabolites metersync blue miami Michael Keaton microstimulator military minimum purchases mission d.a.d mission dad Mixed Results On Computer-based Support For Diabetes mobility money money saving moods motivation mourning movie review Movie Reviews music music thearpy musings/thoughts/ideas must have MV-1 n-3 Fatty Acids Nanoparticle Suspension and Ultrasound Deliver Insulin Without Regular Injections natural home remdies natural suppliments need needing help needles needy negative thoughts neil diamond Network/Community networking new app new baby New Jersey's Universtiy of Medicine and Dentistry new medication New smart contact lens could monitor glucose for diabetics Nick Jonas night lights nissan no insulin Nook Tablet BNTV400 Review north aferica nova nordisk Now that the holidays are over obama obama phone obama wins 2012 obese Obesity obituries OCD ODD Oil Pulling Olycap omega-3 onetouch online magazines online medical records optical zoom optical123.com Optimus ERM optogenetics oral health oral hiv test oral swab oraquick overcome depression Oxygen paid marketing pancreas parental depression parkinsons party passing Paula Deen pay attention payday payday advance paying kids to attend school pedometer personal food chart Personal Post pest pests photography pills ping plam beach county Plays poet port townsend positive thoughts Postpartum Depression pot prayer pre-owned pre-school pregnancies pregnancy prepper prepping preschool prescription president prevent complications prices processed foods product Product Review products Progress Project 1811 project rudolph proline promo codes promotional Promotions psoriasis Psy public health publich education purchas questioning quit smoking raisins reaching out real butter real-estate really scare rearrange recipes Record red meat red wine reefer reflux regenerate regular exercise rehab remodel research resistance resource resources retail therapy retinopathy revamp review Reviewing the Vapourlites Blueberry/Strawberry E Juice revitalift rich foods risk roller coaster russia rx s.a.d sadness safe sex safelink Safelink wireless sale salt Sandy Hooks Elementary School Schooting saving money savings scar school School Shooting schooling scrubs for cheap seasonal affective disorder Seattle self diagnosis self help self love self medicating senior resources seo sesame seed oil sex Shindigz Coupon Code Shootings shopping Short story shot record sick side-effects simple tips SIN TAX Site Review skin care skin tags skip meals skipping meals sleep sleep apnea smaller meals smart car smart cars smart phone smoker smokes smoking social media social security sodium software sore throat sores south beach south beach diet spiral notebook sponsored sponsored review sponsored; lawyer; family; legal; issues; sponsored/guest post spot removal. ssi Statin Labels stem cell stock pile stomach pain stoner stop smoking store stress stretch marks study submit submitted substitutions successfully lose weight sugar free sugar levels sugary foods suicidal thoughts suicide Supplementation Of Alternative Fuels Could Protect The Brain During Hypoglycemia support surgery survival systemic inflammation taboo tai chi take out tax tea tech teen teen mental health teens television temporary mood test animals test strips testicle testicular cancer testing testing supplies testosterone thanksgiving the learning company the lines project. #thelinesproject thearpy therapy thought Three Devastating Statistics of Diabetes Medical Malpractice title to write love on her arm tone Tosh.O toxins Tracfone trained professional transaction travel treatment trend diets tribute to my father triglycerides tsa tweets twitter twloha type 3 diabetes type-1 type-2 type-2 diabetes U.S. Medicare Part D Can't Explain North-South Disparities UK News ultra long acting UMDNJ underlying reasons Undiagnosed Pre-Diabetes Highly Prevalent in Early Alzheimer's Disease Study unhealthy unhealthy foods up and coming artist up 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'Protecting' Psychiatric Medical Records Puts Patients At Risk Of Hospitalization 'Switch' Critical to Wound Healing Identified 1811 2013 4 Ways to Beat Back Pain 5 hour energy 500 calories A simple soliloquy a1c AA aarp ablum accessible wheelchair car accessible wheelchair vans acne acne light treatment acting insulin acu acupressure ADD addiction ADHD adolescent victims adults Adults With Diabetes And Limited Health Literacy Less Likely To Adhere To Prescribed Antidepressants advance advise advising afghanistan Aflac Age Matters in Weight Gain: aids airsoft album review Alcoholic Alcoholics Anonymous All IT Supported alltel alzheimers AM General American College of Gastroneterology American Diabetes Association American Express ami clubwear amiclubwear.com amputation android anger animis anniversary anti radiation cell phone technology antibody antidepressants not working anxiety app application apps arginine arthritis artificial artistic aspirin Assurance Wireless asteroid atherosclerotic lesions Atlanta alcohol rehab Atlanta drug abuse rehab centers Atlanta Drug Rehab Atlanta Drug Rehab Center attack Avengers back on track back to school backup bad habbits baking banana george Banana Power bariatric surgery Barrett's Esophagus Baton Rouge battle depression bayer bayer breeze2 Bayer Contour USB bb gun BBB BE beating depression beauty become motivated before i die behealthy24.com Being sick totally sucks beta cells big blue test big foot Biomedtrics biosensor bipolar Bipolar bipolar disorder Birdman Birdman or The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance birth birth defects birthday bladder cancer blog blogging blood glucose blood glucose levels blood pressure blood sample blood sugar blood sugar level blood sugar levels blood sugar monitor blood sugars blue shield Bluetooth bmi Body By Vi 90 Day Challenge body mass index bogo bogo. buy one get one free books bottom belly bracelet Brain Discovery Could Help Schizophrenics Breaking News breast breast feed breast feeding breastfeed breastfeeding brew Broadway budget bug out bugs bullied bullying Bums burn calories buy Caffeine Vape Stix by Energy Shisha california California Pacific Medical Center call center caloric needs calorie versions cancer candychang.com Cannabidiol cannabis car car loan. car; car loan; payday; payday advance; sponsored blog; guest post; carats cardio cardiovasular disease care cause cctv security dvr cd review Celebration celiac cell phone change cheap eyeglasses cheap glasses cheap scrub cheap scrubs check into cash cheif chicago child childhood depression Childhood diabetes childhood obesity children cholesterol christmas chronic inflammatory disease chronic pain cigarette ciglites cigs clinical depression clothing coconut oil coffee coffee prevents diabetes cognitive cold colorectal cancer Comedy Central comfort food community compare computer Computer Services condos connections contour usb meter control cooking corn syrup cosmetics coupons couponten.com crafts creative outlook credit card cupcake cyber bullying daily caloric daily caloric intake dancing dark cloud david pulley Day 3 of taking Lexapro and Victoza day care daycare ddiabetes deals Death debate debit card debt decaffeinated coffee decreased gene activity deep breathing dementia Dental Work and Tooth Pain depressed Depressed Stroke Survivors May Face Triple the Risk of Death depression depression in preschoolers depression isn depression symptoms Despite Free Health Care developing diabetes development diabetes Diabetes / Diabetic News Diabetes + Depression = Increased Risk of Death diabetes exist diabetes foundation diabetes less diabetes management diabetes medication Diabetes Trials Worldwide Are Not Addressing Key Issues In Affected Populations diabetic diabetic alert dog diabetic cook book diabetic cure diabetic education videos diabetic epipen diabetic food log diabetic healing diabetic insulin diabetic logbook diabetic medical review diabetic research Diabetic Retinopathy diabetic shock diabetic software diabetic supplies diabetic. ebook diamonds diet digital camera digital logbook direct Direct Association Between Type 2 Diabetes And Obesity Found direct tv directionless dirve disability disabled disease disorders Disrupting Our Internal Clocks May Lead To A Complete Absence Of 24-Hour Bodily Rhythms And An Immediate Gain In Body Weight Ditto divorce lawyer diy mouse trap dlucose doctors donation doomsday Doughnuts down range Drexel University drinking drive drop out drug drug abuse drugs dry skin DSHS dvd e-cig e-cigarettes e-juice e-reader e-zines eastern medicine eating disorders ecigarettes Economics education Edward Norton effective treatments egg whites egg yolks electri vehicle electrical stimulation Electronic emergency emergency kit Emma Stone emotional employment empty nest EMR endocrine engraved medical id ereader ev everyone else eviction excess weight exercise exercise regularly exercise routines exterminators eye eye care eye disease eye glasses EyeBuyDirect eyebuydirect.com facebook fad diet fad diets family focused therapy Family Time fashion fatty acids favorite foods FDA feel fuller fire fish oil fitness Fitness Professionals Appreciate Online Continuing Education Options Fitness; Obesity; Diabetes; Molecular Biology; Mice; Biology flights florida Florida health kids program flu food Food and Dining food diary food network foods contain forgetfulness four more years free free android apps free diabetic wristband Free Stuff french fries fresh flowers fresh fruit Fresh Vending Machines fructose fructose corn syrup fruit full moon funeral Gadgets gangnam style Gastroesophageal gastroparesis GE X500 Power Series genes genes linked to bipolar GERD gestational diabetes Gestational Diabetes Patients Will Develop Type 2 Diabetes Give Aways giving glasses glooko glucagon Gluco(M) Glucofact glucose glucose levels glucose log glucose management glucose meter gluten free glycemic control glycemic foods glycemic index glycemic indexes godaddy google gout grain foods green tea group guest blog guest post hair loss handicap accessible vans handicap minivans handicap vans handicapped vans happy Happy Birthday Hello Cupcake It's Me happy birthday to me :) happy holidays Harvey Birdman hba1c health health benefits health care healthier fast food healthy healthy foods healthy lifestyle healthy snack hearing loss heart heart attack heart broken Heart Disease; Cholesterol; Stroke Prevention; Diseases and Conditions; Chronic Illness; Heart Disease; Cholesterol; Stroke Prevention; Diseases and Conditions; Chronic Illness; diabetes Heart Disease; Cholesterol; Stroke Prevention; Diseases and Conditions; Chronic Illness; stroke Heart Disease; Cholesterol; Stroke Prevention; Diseases and Conditions; Chronic Illness; Vioxx heart monitor heart on my sleeve heart problems heart rate heath and beauty hello hellocupcakeitsme.com help hemoglobin Her high blood sugar high school High-Fat Foods May Be A Factor In Glucose Control hiv hiv1 hiv2 hobbytron.com holiday holiday's home security alarms home testing Homeless Homeless Shelter Homer Simpson honda hospitalization Household Income Affects Chronic Disease Control In Kids Humalog Human IPSC Humor Humulin R U-500 hunger hungry hurt on the job hyperglycima hyperglycimic hypertension hypoglycemia hypoglycemic hypoglycemic episode iBGStar Blood Glucose Monitoring System Ice Cream Image improvement including mufa foods infection infested infographic information injury inspriation insulated bag Insulin insulin injections insulin patch insulin pump insulin shot record insurance claims internal medicine Interspecies Transplant investments ios ios 5 iphone iphone 4 its iTunes Iwerkz Foldable Bluetooth Keyboard Review Jenna Mables jewelry joann joann fabric and craft store joint pain Journal of Alzheimer's Disease juwait Keek kenguru ketoacidosis occurs kicking the habbit kid kidcare kids Killings kindle kindle fire kitchen counter kombucha Labor and Industry Lamp;I lantus Late-Life Depression lawyer learning issues legal help Lexapro LG Rumor libido life lifestyle changes light box lincoln Link Between Creativity and Mental Illness Confirmed in Large-Scale Swedish Study Lipohypertrophy living loan Lone Star College Shooting loneliness lose weight losing weight loss plan lost low blood sugar low glucose levels Low income cell phone low income glasses low t low testosterone lower glucose lowering lowering glucose levels Luminaze lung health lyrics lyrics of depression Mainframe Support makeup managing diabetes Manic marijuana market mary lambert Master Card maya angelou Maya Angelou dead at 86 me meal plan meal prepping meals require medflash media / television medicaid Medical medical condition medical help Medical Review Medical Studies medical studies. medicare medicare part d medication medicines meditation melody road memory loss men's health Mental Health mental health issues Menu menu options merry christmas metabolic syndrome metabolism metabolites metersync blue miami Michael Keaton microstimulator military minimum purchases mission d.a.d mission dad Mixed Results On Computer-based Support For Diabetes mobility money money saving moods motivation mourning movie review Movie Reviews music music thearpy musings/thoughts/ideas must have MV-1 n-3 Fatty Acids Nanoparticle Suspension and Ultrasound Deliver Insulin Without Regular Injections natural home remdies natural suppliments need needing help needles needy negative thoughts neil diamond Network/Community networking new app new baby New Jersey's Universtiy of Medicine and Dentistry new medication New smart contact lens could monitor glucose for diabetics Nick Jonas night lights nissan no insulin Nook Tablet BNTV400 Review north aferica nova nordisk Now that the holidays are over obama obama phone obama wins 2012 obese Obesity obituries OCD ODD Oil Pulling Olycap omega-3 onetouch online magazines online medical records optical zoom optical123.com Optimus ERM optogenetics oral health oral hiv test oral swab oraquick overcome depression Oxygen paid marketing pancreas parental depression parkinsons party passing Paula Deen pay attention payday payday advance paying kids to attend school pedometer personal food chart Personal Post pest pests photography pills ping plam beach county Plays poet port townsend positive thoughts Postpartum Depression pot prayer pre-owned pre-school pregnancies pregnancy prepper prepping preschool prescription president prevent complications prices processed foods product Product Review products Progress Project 1811 project rudolph proline promo codes promotional Promotions psoriasis Psy public health publich education purchas questioning quit smoking raisins reaching out real butter real-estate really scare rearrange recipes Record red meat red wine reefer reflux regenerate regular exercise rehab remodel research resistance resource resources retail therapy retinopathy revamp review Reviewing the Vapourlites Blueberry/Strawberry E Juice revitalift rich foods risk roller coaster russia rx s.a.d sadness safe sex safelink Safelink wireless sale salt Sandy Hooks Elementary School Schooting saving money savings scar school School Shooting schooling scrubs for cheap seasonal affective disorder Seattle self diagnosis self help self love self medicating senior resources seo sesame seed oil sex Shindigz Coupon Code Shootings shopping Short story shot record sick side-effects simple tips SIN TAX Site Review skin care skin tags skip meals skipping meals sleep sleep apnea smaller meals smart car smart cars smart phone smoker smokes smoking social media social security sodium software sore throat sores south beach south beach diet spiral notebook sponsored sponsored review sponsored; lawyer; family; legal; issues; sponsored/guest post spot removal. ssi Statin Labels stem cell stock pile stomach pain stoner stop smoking store stress stretch marks study submit submitted substitutions successfully lose weight sugar free sugar levels sugary foods suicidal thoughts suicide Supplementation Of Alternative Fuels Could Protect The Brain During Hypoglycemia support surgery survival systemic inflammation taboo tai chi take out tax tea tech teen teen mental health teens television temporary mood test animals test strips testicle testicular cancer testing testing supplies testosterone thanksgiving the learning company the lines project. #thelinesproject thearpy therapy thought Three Devastating Statistics of Diabetes Medical Malpractice title to write love on her arm tone Tosh.O toxins Tracfone trained professional transaction travel treatment trend diets tribute to my father triglycerides tsa tweets twitter twloha type 3 diabetes type-1 type-2 type-2 diabetes U.S. Medicare Part D Can't Explain North-South Disparities UK News ultra long acting UMDNJ underlying reasons Undiagnosed Pre-Diabetes Highly Prevalent in Early Alzheimer's Disease Study unhealthy unhealthy foods up and coming artist up and down upcoming holidays update uric acid usb value of a dollar vans for handicap vans for handicapped vans for wheel chairs mobility vans vans for wheenchairs vape vapor vapourlites vendor Veterans Day Video violation violence Visa Visiting Your Doctor Following ER Care For Chest Pain Reduces Risk Of Heart Attack vitamin d vitamin deficiency walking walking chart walnuts contain washington water waterski weed week in review Week of learning weigh yourself weighing yourself weight weight loss weight loss chart weight loss goals weight loss plan weight loss program weight loss success weight loss tips weight slowly what is it What Your Skin Says About Your Health wheel chair wheel chair vans wheelchair wheelchair vans where to buy cheap scrubs whipped butter winter blues womens health Work Out workman's compensation workout X-Men x500 xanax Xenotransplantation Young people with diabetes dying due to lack of adequate healthcare Yourtel youtube YouTube Internet Sensations Then and Now

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