Well christmas 2013 has come and now gone. Its kinda funny. I remember each and every christmas since about 4yrs old.
The holidays always marked good times in my life. It was how I divided up my year and they also marked for me how long it was until my birthday and summer vacation.
Now they have become a grim reminder that yet another year has ticked by and now I am older, and more lost than the year before. I have many ambitions for 2014, but I think that is hind sight. We always go into the new year with hopes of not repeating the previous. With an almost naive hope and childlike wonderment, we make grand plans of what we want to do, and then fail ourselves 3 weeks into the new year. I don’t mean this to sound so cynical as it is coming out. I am actually in a really good mood. I am reflective and listening to good music. Its just the eternal darkness in me otherwise known as Bipolar.
But no, this holiday, though sad because of the recent passing's of loved ones, has been decent. I have made myself a promise that every year I will watch my dads favorite christmas movies, which are Home Alone 1 & 2, and A Christmas Story. I will also watch my favs like The Santa Claus, and Christmas Vacation.
For now I will just say, I wish that it was longer, and that I was able to spend it with all my family and friends but am happy with it right now.