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Playing with my MacBook Air
Cleaning up the last 9 years
Depression and mental health will cause one to do things that are not typical of who you were before they became part of your life. I look back over the years and see where things have changed, and the slight gradual build up to where I am at this very moment.
Over the last few days, I with the help of some good friends, have begun excavating the layers of pain, hurt, and mental illness. Each ticking second of the living room clock, ticks the next layer to be thrown into the overflowing trashcan. The music blaring in the background hits my ear but doesn't fully register the rhythm and lyrical stylings.
My body is present, and automatically going through the motions. Randomly throwing things into the 55-gallon bag, while some small part keeps tally of all the money, all of the emotion, and all of the false need that each item holds. Each moment finds me swimming through floods of images, emotions, and money spent collecting each item. Things crammed into every nook and cranny like some dragon hoard, with nearly enough space for the air in the room to slip through. Looking at towering piles of forgotten items, wondering if I should even begin disturbing its resting place, in the futile attempts to regain some semblance of the home I once had, before the intrusive thoughts of a mentally ill mind moved in.
A filing cabinet with boxes stacked to the ceiling, with layers of who knows what cascading below it. A filing cabinet that has not been opened in probably 9 years or more. The arcane documents therein, more than likely no longer relevant after such a long period of time. My body screaming for the comforting embrace of my bed, like a vampire fleeing from the burning rays of the morning sun, so to does my want and desire to lay in bed call to me. My body longing for the caress of the comforter, and the softness of the pillows, and the cool breeze from the fans positioned throughout the room. A room in need of cleaning like most the other parts of the house. But in its disastrous state, a peace and a comfort that would make others uncomfortable.
A momentary reprieve in writing this just to take a few moments to rest before returning to the task at hand. Always propelling my tired and broken spirit and body towards an unforeseeable conclusion. A conclusion with no clear time or date of completion, just the daunting mechanisms of pseudo mechanical marching with slow forward progression.
It was a day
Today was both a good day and a hard day all in one. The good aspects of it were that I got to spend time with friends, and they helped me with some things that needed to be done around the house. We got to laugh, listen to music, and get some things done that have needed to be done for a long time.
The bad aspect of it was that I felt like I was holding them hostage and that it was something they were doing out of some sort of obligation, and like they had to "rescue" me. I know the later was probably not the case, however, the old lump of flesh between my ears, is listening to the wrong voices, and the Depression is talking really loudly right now.
I was doing really good until the time came for me to try and throw a stupid stuffed cactus away, and I started crying. It was something that belonged to my grandma, and when I saw it go into the trash bag I started crying. I tried to excuse myself and my friend pulled it back out and said "its ok to keep it" I couldn't part with it. I know it's only a material item, that is dusty and dirty and for someone else would mean nothing, and it really shouldn't mean anything to me, but it is a physical connection that I have to my grandma. The act of seeing it taken from my hands and thrown into a garbage bag caused me a pain I wasn't ready for or could have ever expected. Even now as I type this, tears are strolling down my face.
We still have a lot to do. But I am excited because once things get in order, I want to have a few friends over to celebrate and maybe do a friends BBQ/Dinner type thing. I've never had people over, so its scary and exciting to think about. There are very few people who have ever been allowed to come into my house, so opening it up to them would be a huge step for me.
And as I begin downsizing and getting things cleaned, it will make it easier when the time comes that I have to move, and it will be something that I look forward to having people over at various times. This chapter of my life has a very strange middle, so Im not sure if its close to closing and a new one starting, all I do know is that if this is what is to come, than I guess I'll welcome it and not fight against it.
What IfThe "What
The "What If" game is one of the worse games that one can play with oneself. As I have typed and said many times, I have no clue as to what my future holds. No one really does when it comes to it. However, some at least have an idea as to what they would like for their lives and how they would like things to turn out.
I know what I want, and the problem being, is that to obtain those things, there is a great deal of change that has to happen that absolutely scares the shit out of me. The dangling sword over my head, the anxiety of unsure footing, and the fear of jumping out of the frying pan into the fire are all very real. All of this coupled with what is feeling like a futile embattlement with my creative side, wanting to go into full on creation mode, and run with every project I see fly across my timeline, and the depressed and scared side of me wanting to do nothing but lay in bed all day and cry and just pretend that everything is going to be ok.
I blare the music as loud as I can, yet my every waking thought is WHAT IF....I've been taking 1 1/2 Xanax daily when im only supposed to take one 10mg pill for generalized anxiety, but everything feel like it is balls to the wall 100% anxiety. It was so bad a few nights ago that my pupils were dilated and my heart felt like it was going to beat out of my chest. I know you're not supposed to drink alcohol when taking certain medications, I had yet to take the Xanax that evening, but I drank a rather generous glass of wine, and that seem to calm things down for a bit, and switched me from Fight or Flight mode to relax mode.
I do not know what is going on with me, and the energy around me right now, but all I do know is that im done feeling like im at the edge and all the pebbles are sliding around me.
The plate is getting full
Man, the last few weeks have been tough. I have been an emotional wreck, and just feeling overwhelmed with everything. My upcoming book feels like it is a thousand-pound weight laying atop of me, and really missing my dad, my grandma, and just spending way to much time in the rearview mirror as of late.
My sleep has been all over the place, I feel exhausted ALWAYS. My eating has been crappy, and my whole body has various "check engine" lights going off. I don't know what the deal is. Maybe it's just me being manic, or maybe its depression, or maybe it's because it's a day that ends in Y?
I've wanted to swan dive into my past marijuana addiction so badly the last few weeks. Like all I want to do is pack a bowl, and light it up, and smoke until I can't breathe, drink copious amounts of alcohol, and rinse and repeat. And I know that isn't going to solve anything but reset the calendar on almost 4yrs of sobriety and make me hate myself. Im not against ever smoking again, but it was becoming a huge problem for me, and I forced myself to quit. I still have all of my pipes, bongs, and even a few nugs and a vape pen with 4 cartridges. I keep it to remind myself, and to prove to myself that I dont need it, even if i want it (now if I could only do that with junk food lol.)
I dont know what I need, or want....but I do know that I feel like im burning the candle at both ends!
Tea Party Fundraiser - Success
I am so very happy and beyond thankful for everyone who came out to show support and meet me, regardless the cold and at times breezy weather. But with those who were in attendance, I was able to share my story, and connect with them, and even have a few laughs along the way. Now on to plan the next event. On the calendar coming up next is my interview with Successful Toy Podcast on May 28, 2024 at 2pm Pacific / 5pm Eastern
If you would like to donate to helping me with publication funding please check out
A broken brush, a story.
How many brushes have you had in your lifetime? Probably not something that you've ever really thought about. This is a story about my brush. It's nothing fancy. Nothing special. In fact, it was a dollar store purchase. Most people would have just replaced it once it became old and broken, not try to fix it or repair it. Especially if the brush was only a dollar.
This brush became a symbol of hope and trying to me. Somedays all I could do was get up, look in the mirror, fight through the tears, and the voices telling me that I would be better off dead, then to continue to be a burden to my friends and family, and brush my hair, with this dollar store hairbrush.
One day my hair had become really badly knotted and tangled, because I hadn't been out of bed for 3 days. I ripped large chunks of hair out each time I passed the brush through my hair. On one of the passes, it broke in two. Much like the grappling depression that I was facing at that moment, I broke along with it. A simple, not special, dollar store hairbrush. Half of it in my hand, half of it clinging to the knot that overpowered it. As if I needed a reason to cry, and break down, I cried harder than I had allowed myself to in many, many years. I was angry at myself for the lack of self-care, the lack of being able to pull myself out of the depressive spiral I was in, and the lack of control I had in my life.
I pulled the piece out of my hair, and cleaned both halves, and decided that I was going to try and fix it. That if I could not fix myself, I was going to fix the one thing that I could. So, like a monkey doing a math problem, I looked at the two halves and fixated on how to make my brush whole again. I thought, maybe crazy glue. That did not work. Then I had the idea of using zip ties. The very same dollar store that I purchased the brush at years prior, I had bought some zip ties. So, I fused the two halves together and put the first zip tie on it, then the second. I added 2 more. I cut the ends, and walla it worked like new again. I cautiously pulled the brush through my hair, and it didn't snag on the zip ties. It felt sturdy and improved. This unremarkable, nothing special, old, dollar store hairbrush.
Call it delusional, call it grasping at straws, or whatever. But it gave me hope. It spurred me on. I might not have been able to fix myself all at once. But I could take small steps to fix parts of myself until I felt closer to whole, rather than being in a hole. The Japanese have an art form called Kintsugi which is the joining of two broken halves of a plate or bowl with gold. Creating a beautiful wholly new item with unique designs and becomes a work of art.
So each day, I worked on small piece of myself as I could. I dedicated sometime to my book, and sometime to my house, or my own personal care. A broken, now repaired, nothing special, dollar store hairbrush, became my own inside joking promise to always do my best, no matter how broken I was, I would keep trying. I would keep moving forward. Sometimes little things can be the biggest help, like a simple, nothing special, dollar store hairbrush.
coffee house musings
Dreams, and day dreaming
So, once I woke up, I called my mom to tell her about the dream. I thought that it was someone completely different and turns out that she automatically thought of my dad's best friend Wayne who lives in the area where my dream took place. As I'm typing this, I'm beginning to unlock a few fragments of a memory from my childhood where my dad took me to his house for a BBQ and its starting to somewhat add up. However, I am not sure if this place in my fractured memory is actually his house or just a place where everyone met up. All that I do know is that I remember having gone there with my dad, and being kind of a loner as there were no other kids there that I can recall, or that they didn't want to play with me at the time.
Very strange to say the least. My mom got a good chuckle from it, because when she answered the phone, I said "I premise this call understanding full well that I'm crazy...but" lol. The only reason that I would have even called her with something like this is because I am a bit superstitious, especially when it comes to certain signs and events. I saw an Owl the other night. And where many would be in awe and wonderment in seeing such a beautiful creature, for me it has come to represent death, and typically in threes.
So, with this superstition it doesn't mean that it is someone directly in my life, but within my circle or will have an influence on my life in some way. Since seeing that Owl, there has been 2 deaths that have happened almost back-to-back. One being a random stranger, who died of a drug overdose, and was later found to be the father of a friend's friend. And the other has been the creator of wildly popular anime Dragon Ball, Akria Toriyama. Now where I have never met this man, his death has hit me and the rest of the Otaku community like a ton of bricks, especially given his young age.
So, with this dream forecasting the possibility of another death and with a name that is directly connected to my family, it caused me some concern. I don't claim myself to be a psychic (but I do read Tarot Cards) or some soothsayer or other type of diviner, just that its randomly not random in my opinion. I ended the call with my mom and started typing this. So hopefully nothing else will take place. But it is "expected".
The daydreaming aspect of this post, as the title suggests, comes from me sitting at my keyboard, thinking about my book, and talking with a web designer, who is working on a page for me, and wondering about my book, and how it is going to be received and if it is going to help or even make a difference once it is out in the world. I honestly do not ever expect to have Carpe Diem Scroto 365 Daily Affirmations on the Oprah's Book Club list or anything like that. But I am putting out the energy like it will be. And I know that my recent Hello Cupcake It's Me content has been about the book and not much else, but this is what is important to me right now, and well having a hopefully already established readership, I just want to put it out there what I am doing and how things are coming along.
But anyways, I just felt like I needed to get this typed and put out there for posterity.
Birthday month blues
what it is that causes depression to hit me every year around my birthday. I don't know if it's the fact that so many people that I loved were born in March and that they are no longer with me, or if it's just a subconscious tic on the calendar of my own mortality.
But the last few days, I have been really down, and midlevel depressed. I'm stressed out about my book, I'm stressed about my finances, I'm stressed about my car, my living situation, my health, just everything it seems like these days.
It really sucks because I go these long periods of not having any depression or feeling down and blue, to extreme cases. Though that is to be expected of being bipolar. All that I do know is that I hope this passes quickly and that the rest of the month will have fun, and great news instore.